Middle School
Middle School
Middle school students learn together in a joined class, creating a close-knit group. Students have the opportunity to learn from teachers invested in their subject and receive a unique learning experience just for them. South Olive Middle School prepares students for high school and provides them with meaningful learning experiences along the way.
Middle School Schedule
The middle school runs from 8:25 AM- 3:25PM.
Middle school students have the option to order a hot lunch or bring a packed lunch. If you are interested in learning more about hot lunch and whether you qualify for reduced pay or free hot lunch, please contact the front office.
Middle School Specials
We partner with West Ottawa Public School for our “Specials” classes. W.O. comes to our school and provides the following classes once a week (K-8th).
* Tech * Spanish * Art * Gym
South Olive Christian School also provides Preschool-8th Library once a week. We are blessed as well to hold ALL school Chapels once a week! During this time we praise our amazing God through song and worship. We invite local speakers to come talk with our children and share a short message. We pride ourselves on being one family throughout our school. We also do Family Groups several times a month- this is a time where the students are mixed with all different age students and simple spend time together and do fun team building activities.