Get Involved

For over 70 years, South Olive Christian School has partnered with families to nurture generations of fearless Kingdom builders. We are deeply thankful for the school’s founders, who laid the foundation of a faith-based education that continues to endure today. By faith, we confidently move together as a community of believers, and prayerfully seek God’s will for the future of SOCS.
At SOCS, we believe that a Christ-centered education should be accessible to any family who desires to foster a relationship with Jesus Christ regardless of economic means. As an advocate of Christian education, you support the commitment of South Olive Christian School to provide an educational environment focused on Biblical truths. As noted in Proverbs, spiritual “training” begins in childhood and our goal is to raise up Christian young adults who can go into the world with a heart for God, a mind trained to discern, and an unchanging standard by which to live.
Consider donating financially to South Olive Christian School today! We are able to give students a Christ-centered education through your generosity. Thank you for all that you do!
School Auction
Thank you for your interest in the auction! The date for the 2025 auction will be March 29th.
If you are interested in donating please contact the office at
Craft Show
Each year the school provides a location for local crafters to sell their wares. Our Craft show happens every fall. Please contact the school if you are interested in selling at this event. Our next craft fair is coming up!
The next date is set for November 2, 2024.

South Olive Christian School is able to provide affordable Christian education partially through our pigs-in-the-blanket production. This would not be possible without our parent volunteers!
To purchase your pigs and fund a student’s education, visit the school at 6230 120th Ave Holland today!
To volunteer; Please email our Pig Coordinators for more info!